Are you afraid of making mistakes or feel a sense of never measuring up?
Perfectionism is often perceived as a pursuit of excellence, but it can create internal challenges with unattainable standards and self-criticism. You might find yourself trapped in a cycle of setting extremely high standards and goals for yourself or others. Perfectionism often brings a fear of making mistakes, along with feelings of frustration, anxiety, guilt, shame, and a persistent sense of never measuring up or feeling like you are not good enough.
Therapy helps you explore and understand the roots of perfectionism, recognizing that imperfections are not signs of weakness, but aspects to be embraced. It helps you grow, become stronger, and kinder to yourself by developing tools and coping strategies for self-compassion. It is important to remember that we are all human; we all make mistakes! Therapy helps you learn to love the perfectly imperfect and unique individual that you are!